2020, Year of Self-Growth, 2021, Year of Productivity

Share My Journey in 2020, and what's for 2021

2020, Year of Self-Growth, 2021, Year of Productivity

2020 has been passed, it’s been a thrilling ride for this year especially for uncertainties about COVID that limit us to move around especially traveling. Some people like me, who work abroad, far from family, may have some difficulties. However, it doesn’t need to be that desperate. Instead, there were so many good things that happened during this past 1 year. My productivity increase twice even more than before. There were multiple accomplishments that I took as proof that this year, as much as it sounds a hurtful year, we can always find and seek the opportunity to turn the table around. Here are multiple accomplishments for this year, that I never imagined I could do all of this stuff within a year


  1. I joined my dream company in Asia, and it is one of the biggest company in Asia
  2. I published my own website (https://michaelabadi.com) in style. Even I learn about Publish during the time I made my website
  3. I polished my Github and add one SPM projects that everyone likes (https://github.com/abadikaka/SFSymbolsFinder)


  1. I taught my friend to learn code
  2. I helped my university to plan an iOS Course
  3. I win a CodeWar in Bangkok
  4. I did several projects in SwiftUI and expecting to launch it next year


  1. I invest some of my time to learn about investment and also expanding knowledge beside iOS Programming
  2. I become a speaker in Thailand and Indonesia iOS Developer communities
  3. I consistently write Medium blog
  4. Lastly, I married my wife and expecting a baby soon


During the lockdown, there were some good points we can take:

  1. Opportunity to grow: We got a lot of time to spend, we are able to allocate the money we have to invest to learn something new or even enhance our existing skills. This is a good way to boost our knowledge. Think and decide wisely about our time, in the end, I decided to allocate to self-growth, scaling up my skills. Finally, I am able to switch to a dream job and learn wider programming skills

  2. Opportunity to save more money: This year, we are able to save money from traveling. A lot of costs also reduced, like a marriage, we can’t invite a lot of people (30 people max) and it saves us a huge amount of cost. Besides that, we are able to add more savings to our account for our future. Same as above, decide wisely where is our savings go?

  3. Opportunity to stay closer with family: Even though I can’t spend time with my family back in Indonesia, I am able to stay closer with my wife, my family in law, and pretty sure all of us have a chance to get more closer with our beloved ones


All of the achievement that I earned this year, is because the way I change my mindset that happened accidentally because of the world pandemic situation. The positive mindset, it gave an instant impact. I increased my productivity by twice and even give more exposure to the community. Now after I experienced this, I have set new targets for 2021, definitely attainable, feasible, and realistic targets, with a new fresh mindset. Even if the world is starting to go better, we should keep a positive mindset and bring the best from ourselves, investing more in our self-growth and become better than last year

Last but not least, Happy New Year 2021!