Eko Communication (Full-Time Work @Amity)
Eko is the virtual workspace helping teams stay engaged, productive and connected while working remotely. Our features enable you and your team to :
- Maintain a sense of community: Our knowledge-sharing features, discussion hubs, and group chats enable teams to gather dynamically, maintaining the social elements and ‘water cooler chats’ of work even while dispersed.
- Stay connected: Replace meetings, daily briefings and All-Hands meetings with virtual conference calls or instant, company-wide announcement broadcasts. Reach any team member instantly for efficient information flow.
- Collaborate from anywhere: Work on projects together in real-time, cut the delays of email and retain visibility into task progress despite being dispersed.
- Our web app integration feature also allows you to bring all the existing tools you use in one place. Our variety of features are designed to enable effective and collaborative work while retaining the dynamic atmosphere of the physical office. With Eko, guarantee “business as usual” from anywhere.
Tech Stack
- UIKit
- Realm
- Swift
- Objective-C

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