
Fun usage of Generic implementation in Swift

Implementing Generic in Swift

Most of us know that generic in programming means we able to do something not limited to one specific type but has more wide selection on the same basis. The most common examples are Queue or Stack use cases. Let say we would like to implement an implementation of both problems not limited to one type of data type, we would like to use a Generic way to solve this problem like the code below

Wrapper Pattern Swift in 5 minutes

Understanding type of wrapper pattern in Swift

Have you ever heard about the problem that you need to separate two modules working independently without knowing each other implementation, but requires to be able to communicate easily by only sending necessary data? Most of the advanced use cases will face this real-world use case and we require a more advanced design pattern to be able to solve this pattern to give more scalability to the project. There is a general concept about “Wrapping” an object through an intermediary class that can adapt to each other.

Understanding WidgetKit in 5 minutes

Learn how to use widget kit in iOS

One of the most interesting topics in WWDC 2020 was about WidgetKit. Yeah, this small icon on the home screen of our phone will represent some of the contents within the app itself!. Recently, I try to implement WidgetKit into my own project. Let’s talk about some key points of WidgetKit itself before we go ahead. There are 4 key points what makes your WidgetKit great : Glanceable: a great widget displays the right amount of content

Reason to choose Static and Dynamic frameworks in < 5 minutes

Learn how to decide between static or dynamic frameworks

One day after we have successfully grown our app bigger, we face multiple problems. One problem we found out that our code is super messy and confusing!. Another, why the hell it took a very long time for compiling!. So what is the solution that comes up to our mind? As a beginner, we will think that Class separation would be enough for solving the messy code since we know that it is easier to build, less time consuming, and easier to code.

Fun Scripting in Swift — for beginner (PART II)

Implementing Argument Parser in Swift"

Now time for the next step after the previous part of my articles. After we know some basic knowledge of swift scripting lets moves to the next one! Now we will talk about ArgumentParser. It is a new library that provides multiple commands and parses the arguments in the command line. Let us first set up the dependencies and the product name on our Package.swift and run swift build to make sure we fetch the latest dependencies in the project.

Fun Scripting in Swift — for beginner (PART I)

Implementing Argument Parser in Swift"

Have you ever used fastlane? swiftlint? xcodegen?. Yeah as an iOS developer we must be familiar with all of those tools for doing automation stuff. How about we need something that no one provides for us? Well, we can make one of those scripts by using Swift!. First of all, if you haven’t watched a wonderful UIKonf conference featuring Federico Zanetello, you need to put it on your watchlist !. In this article, I would like to explain how does swift scripting is working also by demonstrating the usage of it.

Bake a Builder Pattern in iOS

Implementing Builder Pattern in Swift

Have you ever have a problem when designing a system that has a similar foundation and capabilities however the ingredients to form the object would vary? We may end up with an easy solution by providing different parameters for each subclass. However, multiple subclasses that need to override the constructor might also have to own those unnecessary properties into its interface. There is one design pattern that also considered as Creational Design Pattern which Android Design pattern by default having this pattern.

Easy way to do Share Extension in iOS

Implementing Share Extension in Swift

Wonder how to make your application can share any picture or file or text even URL into our own application? Well everyone knows we can use App Extension and create our extension for doing it. But imagine if we have multiple clients and need to use a specific token for each client, or we do have many configurations for the UI that can be displayed differently according to the clients, how we can achieve that?