Combine, is a new framework introduced by Apple since SwiftUI 1.0 back then in 2019. The architecture behind the scene itself is adopting the system of FRP (Functional Reactive Programming) which takes computation as their main computation of process combine with the propagation of data through the stream of the function. In this tutorial, I would like to explain how Combine can make your job done quicker than ever compare with the conventional way of code.
After we have understood the basic concept of LLDB commands now it is taking time to understand the full GUI of Xcode debugging.
Let see the picture above. Once you have put a breakpoint on any lines of code in your applications, you will see a similar screen as above.
The top one is our code panel, which indicates where is our breakpoint located
The bottom left panel is our quick look panel, we can see our current state of the object in either class or function level at the moment the code is being halted
Have you ever wonder how to debug your entire code in the proper way? But sometimes we don’t know in-depth detail about how does it work behind the scene? In this multiple series of articles, I am trying to spread multiple articles into specific chunks of debugging part, start with the basic / foundation part of debugging in iOS. Normally we will have multiple topics covering all areas, start with LLDB debugging and end with Logging.
Do you know that we can actually simply share our breakpoints with our colleagues at work? Xcode provides us with the capability to share it. This share function is very handy if we want all colleagues to have a similar breakpoint. Some breakpoints that worth sharing are Exception breakpoint, Runtime breakpoint, and some Symbolic breakpoints. Let see how it works
Go to your debug navigator panel on the left panel
Once upon a time, while I was debugging my code, I found out an annoying warning comes up like below
[TableView] Warning once only: UITableView was told to layout its visible cells and other contents without being in the view hierarchy (the table view or one of its superviews has not been added to a window). This may cause bugs by forcing views inside the table view to load and perform layout without accurate information (e.
Most of us know that generic in programming means we able to do something not limited to one specific type but has more wide selection on the same basis. The most common examples are Queue or Stack use cases. Let say we would like to implement an implementation of both problems not limited to one type of data type, we would like to use a Generic way to solve this problem like the code below
As a normal software engineer, we always remember the rule of thumb of testing. We always heard the word of the testing pyramid which consists of 3 things :
Unit Testing Integration Testing UI Testing Unit Testing is the foundation of your test suite that will be made up of unit tests. Your unit tests make sure that a certain unit (your subject under test or SUT) of your codebase works as intended.
SwiftUI is very powerful for building an interactive UI at a fast pace. However, there are a couple of limitations still there such as some native API from UIKit like MKMapView from MapKit or search bar and other UIKit API. I will provide a tutorial for making a MapView in SwiftUI by using UIViewRepresentable as well as putting callback to the SwiftUI if we have clicked the annotation.
Some quick knowledge about several items below:
Have you ever heard about the problem that you need to separate two modules working independently without knowing each other implementation, but requires to be able to communicate easily by only sending necessary data? Most of the advanced use cases will face this real-world use case and we require a more advanced design pattern to be able to solve this pattern to give more scalability to the project. There is a general concept about “Wrapping” an object through an intermediary class that can adapt to each other.
Last week I have a problem while making a pod for my SDK team. I ever made my own pod long time ago and it was very easy in the process. But this one was a different story. I need to make support of Cocoapod and Carthage and SPM for the project that is built within private repo but we want to distribute it globally. So what is the option? Pod and Carthage and SPM offer capabilities to share the project repo to being used widely by many people and they can easily integrate or even contribute to it.